Every design department strives to come up with the next big thing. In many ways it is how they justify their existence. Sometimes it's the many little things that make our world special. I know our creations aren't gong to change the way people live their lives, or be the grand idea we can retire at age 30 from. No, they will just make someone feel good about the gift they gave. Possibly our embroidery brought a smile to a mother who has had a rough day, and as she feeds her newborn, our creation helped accent her unforgettable moment.
As embroidery designers we work from an assortment of resources that range from the target garment, which is most often determined by a target demographic. The products textile plays a large role, and of course color is always a guiding factor. Design trends play a role too, along with color trends.
In the end our work will be displayed on a store shelf, or on our company web-store that has been groomed with hundreds of lines of code, worked over by SEO process all in hopes that someone will see our work and feel moved enough to take it home.
The creation part is the second best part about working at Strawberry Stitch Co. Watching a person's face light up when they first set their eyes on their completed purchase, that's the Berry Best part. Witnessing that moment is what drives our creativity and is on our minds as we ponder our next creation. The followup stories are great too, such as when you're told that something you made became a child's favorite item for life.

In the end our work will be displayed on a store shelf, or on our company web-store that has been groomed with hundreds of lines of code, worked over by SEO process all in hopes that someone will see our work and feel moved enough to take it home.
The creation part is the second best part about working at Strawberry Stitch Co. Watching a person's face light up when they first set their eyes on their completed purchase, that's the Berry Best part. Witnessing that moment is what drives our creativity and is on our minds as we ponder our next creation. The followup stories are great too, such as when you're told that something you made became a child's favorite item for life.
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